Rebates and Other Perks Makes Electric Bikes More Accessible

The popularity of e-bikes as a mode of transportation is increasing with each passing day –they are environmentally friendly, fast, and super convenient.
People use them for going to work or college, quick grocery store runs, or enjoying nature. The best part is you don’t have to worry about paying for gas or struggling to paddle on a hot day. You’re good to go as long as you charge it sufficiently before heading out. With some battery care and general maintenance, your e-bike should last at least five years.
The rider can switch between manual pedaling and electrical assistance with an electric bike. So if you want to reach someplace fast or go uphill, you can use the assistance feature. Otherwise, if you want to increase your physical activity, you can use it as a regular bike.
However, one thing that might have discouraged people from purchasing them in the past is their high price, but not anymore. Did you know that e-bikes are now more accessible and affordable due to rebates and other incentives offered by governments worldwide?
For example, Oregon’s Eugene Water and Electric Board is now offering a 300-dollar buying discount or rebate to accountholders purchasing an e-bike. As per Juan Serpa Muñoz, the manager of Eugene Water and Electric Board’s mobility program, as of December 2022, they had issued 780 rebates.
Muñoz also mentioned that the popularity of this program had led them to increase the number of rebates per account to two.
Another example is a proposal for a tax incentive in the U.S. House of Representatives for electric bike buyers to offer 30% off the bike’s purchase price after adjusting prior credits. They can avail of a discount of up to 1500 dollars.
Moreover, lawmakers in Washington, D.C., are working toward another tax incentive program that could exempt electric bike purchases from sales tax. Lawmakers hope to increase electric bike sales and make it a preferred transportation medium among travelers. If successful, it could reduce air pollution and traffic congestion. Moreover, it would help travelers save and improve citizens’ health.
Several other incentives exist for buying and riding e-bikes, including schemes that pay for e-bike travel per mile, lending libraries with free use of e-bikes, and more.
The Portland State University’s (PSU) E-Bike Incentive Program in North America entails several initiatives, some of which apply to Canadian citizens. It is useful for businesses, government officials, and environmentalists interested in establishing or sponsoring an incentive program.
So, if you want to reach your destination fast while reducing your carbon footprint, go for an e-bike because it is worth it!