Recycled Waste Used To Make Thai Buddhist Amulets Which Reduce Ocean Pollution

Two companies, Dots Design Studio and Quality Design, have partnered to create Thai Buddhist plastic amulets utilizing reprocessed materials. Their joint venture was publicized at Bangkok’s Design week 2022 exhibition. Considering the amount of plastic produced in Thailand and the number of waste dumped into the waters, it is a step in the right direction.
The Idea Behind Thai Buddhist Amulets
This creativity aims to use the Thai people’s religious enthusiasm to benefit in restraining the extent of plastics rolling into the seas. As per the reports by the US-based Ocean Conservancy group, Thailand is known to be number five in contributing to the world’s most significant plastic waste being discarded into the masses.
Thus, the main goal of this Thai Buddhist plastic amulet is to find a link between Thai culture and the environment. Amulets have long been popular and highly worn in Thai culture, including ones with Buddhist pictures, either of respected monks or Buddha. People in Thailand believe it to have specific spiritual commands that can benefit the one wearing them into leading a more prosperous and fortunate life.
These amulets have been made out of wood or stone and are known to have religious objects attached, such as the hair of a valued monk or the blessed ash of one.
Bangkok’s Design Week 2022 Exhibition
These amulets were the most talked about at the famous Bangkok Design Week wow exhibition. The common perception of individuals was that it didn’t very much matter what the amulet was made out of. Plastic is an excellent alternative to other objects. And many agreed to state that it was an excellent thought that poses a cultural indication point and raises awareness of the big issue. Furthermore, they claimed that all the amulets had the same effect, which didn’t vary due to their pricing.
The companies have shown on their respective Instagram accounts how the amulets are being made. The process of turning discarded plastic into a Buddhist charm is quite lovely. These recycled amulets are imprinted with a settled Buddha and the Thai word meaning awareness on respective sides.
It is an excellent reminder to all that allows the amulet’s wearer to know both the advantages of mindfulness in life and the significance of these matters as descriptors of biological progress. If this isn’t enough, people can request these religious amulets sanctified by Buddhist monastics for extra appeal and benefit.
These amulets are traded for every 100 baht, which makes it $3 or one kg of plastic that can then be reprocessed to make many more Thai Buddhist amulets. All the money obtained from selling these amulets will then be given to several charities. Thus, this is an excellent initiative taken towards eradicating ocean pollution, making individuals aware of the dangers of plastic, and encouraging them to limit its use.
Final Thoughts
This joint venture does not just work for the greater good of not just Thailand’s culture but the world. The less plastic is dumped into the ocean, the less harmful it will be to marine life and the environment.