Starting Seeds Indoors: A Detailed Guide

Seed starting or seed germination involves growing plants from seeds rather than purchasing mature plants from the market and planting them in your garden. Indoor seed starting is a great method to promote faster growth. Moreover, it gives you a flying start on the growing season. It gives your herbs, flowers, and vegetables a chance to have longer and better harvests.
This blog post covers a guide on starting seeds indoors, so keep reading to learn!
1. Prepare the Potting Mix
You can use cups, peat pots, or ready-made seed starter kits for seed starting. Ensure the container you are using has holes for drainage. You must dampen and loosen the potting mixture to uniform the moisture level. Also, ensure it is not too wet and doesn’t have dry lumps.
2. Plant the Seedlings
The next step is to read the instructions on the packaging and plant the seedlings. Generally, you should plant the seedlings twice their width in the potting mix. If the seeds are too small, you don’t have to dig holes as you can gently press them in the soil.
You can use a wet paper towel covered with a plastic sheet as an alternative to soil. You will get small sprouts within a week using this germination method.
3. Use a Lid or a Plastic Bag to Cover the Seeds
Whether you are using the damp paper towel method or the soil method for germination, it is essential to cover the container loosely. You can use a plastic lid, wrap, or bag as a cover. If you use a pre-prepared seed starting kit, it will likely contain a lid that fits the tray.
4. Keep the Container Warm
Providing the optimal temperature for the seeds indoors is the most crucial step in indoor seed starting. You can read the instructions to check the ideal soil temperature for the seeds.
You can place the tray on a heating mat or near a window that receives partial sunlight, such as a south-facing window. However, you should avoid placing it near direct sunlight. The ideal temperature for seeds is between 60 to 68 degrees Fahrenheit.
5. Keep the Soil Moist
You must keep the soil moist to allow faster germination. However, be careful not to over-dampen the soil or soak the seeds. The best method to keep the soil lightly and evenly moist is to use a spray bottle for misting.
6. Thin Out Seedlings to Promote Growth
Once you notice roots emerging or seed sprouts, it’s time to shift them into potting cups of seedling kits. However, if you were growing your seeds in the soil, you can thin out the seedlings in the peach pot when sprouts emerge.
Except for one or two shoots, remove everything with tweezers. Keep the largest and healthiest-appearing sprouts and discard the rest. Also, remember to keep the soil wet while maintaining optimum airflow.