Green Living

The Plastic Crisis Looks To Infinitely-Recyclable Plastic As a Solution
Plastic recycling is essential to ensure plastic doesn’t pollute landfills and...

Regenerative Farming Practices
In a world where a growing population and changes in climate are pushing...

Recycled Waste Used To Make Thai Buddhist Amulets Which Reduce Ocean Pollution
Two companies, Dots Design Studio and Quality Design, have partnered to create...

E-Waste Recycling: A Simple Guide to Electronics Disposal
Electronic waste can be recycled to produce many useful electronic components....

Everything Worth Preserving
If you’ve undertaken a self-sufficiency challenge and grown food in your home,...

Donate Your Old Socks to One Company to Have Them Turned Into Dog Beds
We all have various motivations for keeping clothes. Perhaps we feel guilty...

7 Eco-Friendly Alternatives For Plastic Straws
Have you ever taken a moment to consider just how many disposable plastic...

5 Steps to Going Paperless Clearing Your Clutter
As you step into adulthood, your pile of documents increases manifold....

5 Simple Ways To Start Reducing Your Carbon Emissions
The entire earth is suffering from global warming and climate change. The...

5 Easy Ways To Go Green While Driving In Your Car
Climate change is a pressing concern for countries all over the world. Every...

The Dangers of Pesticides in Our Food Supply
The use of pesticides to protect crops is a global phenomenon that has existed...

Starting Seeds Indoors: A Detailed Guide
Seed starting or seed germination involves growing plants from seeds rather...

Solutions and Options to Reduce the Use of Unsustainable Palm Oil
Palm oil is a versatile and extremely popular ingredient in many everyday...

Slip Rings Are Key To Alternative Energy Advances For The Future
Power technologies rely on equipment to convert available energy into a usable...

Seaweed Demand Increases For Fertilizer, Food, and Fuel
Seaweed is well known for being a nutrient-rich food that actually dates back...

Reef Safe and Reef Friendly Sunscreens
Sunscreen is a must-have item for your beach bag, but not all sunscreens are...

How To Test Soil PH & Amend Acidic or Alkaline Soil
If you’ve recently developed a love for fresh produce or have a love for...

How To Reduce, Reuse, and Save Your Money
Ever since the debates on climate change have started becoming a...

Fighting Climate Change
Early this year, the world almost came to a standstill following lockdowns and...

DIY Solar: How to Start & Earn Profits
In one of the recent studies conducted by the U.S. Department of Energy, the...

Sustainable Packaging Is Becoming Popular For Beauty Brands
Plastic is quickly becoming a significant problem worldwide, and the beauty...

See Why An Automatic Car Wash Is More Ecofriendly Then Washing You Car at Home
In an effort to save the environment, automobile owners worldwide are...

Saving Money With Minimalist Living
The phrase “less is more” is one simple way, to sum up living a minimalist...

Save Money Through Conserving Water Heater Resources
Did you know that the three top alliances that consume the most energy in the...

Rebates and Other Perks Makes Electric Bikes More Accessible
The popularity of e-bikes as a mode of transportation is increasing with each...

IKEA is Now Selling Renewable Energy
IKEA is one of the most popular furniture brands in the world. Apart from...

How Are Big Fashion Brands Accepting Slow Fashion and Sustainability
Clothing has transformed a lot in the previous two decades. Since the textile...

Fuel Cell Vans Boosting The Prospects Of Hydrogen Power
Hydrogen is often touted as a potential green energy source, but its prospects...

Eco-Alternatives For Toxic Bleach
Bleach is one of the best cleaning products when it comes to white whether its...

Eliminate Water Waste From Doing Laundry
The average washing machine uses 40 gallons of water per load in the US,...
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